Articles by Karen Selick on...
The Wages of Living in Sin (Aug. 93)
Thrifty Ways to Leave Your Lover (April 94)
The Playing Field Is Not Tilted (and Other Musings)(Sept. 94)
Child Support--The View from Mars (July 96)
Support Ruling No Victory for Same-Sex Couple (Dec. 96)
Flavour of the Month: Easy-bake Regulations (Feb. 97)
Spousal Support--Heads She Wins, Tails He Loses (Nov. 97)
Spousal Support--Time to Consider Misconduct (Jan. 98)
A Textbook Example of Deep Pocket Justice (May 98)
Child Support Guidelines--A Presentation to the Senate Committee
Child Support Guidelines--Written Brief to the Senate Committee
The Supreme Cop-Out (April, 1999)
Couples Deserve Grandfathering (Aug. 2000)
The Guidelines, Myth and FACT (Jan. 2001)
Rubbing Salt into Divorce's Wounds (Jan. 2003)
Those Shameful Guidelines (Apr. 03)
Same-Sex Marriage: A Mere Pimple on the Pocky Face of Family Law (Apr. 04)
Fixing What Wasn't Broken (July 04)
Oust Shari'a Law with Knowledge, Not Bans (Jan. 05)
Demonizing "Deadbeat" Dads (Feb. 05)
Step-Child Support--A Penalty for Kindness (July 05)
Polygamy--Two Rights Shouldn't Make a Wrong (Aug. 05)
Is Family Law Really Better than Sharia? (Sept. 05)
Two Mommies Wasted Their Money (and Mine) (Jan. 07)
Problematic in Pink (Dec. 07)
Hear the Other Side (Aug 08)
Judges Make Justice Unaffordable....Again (Nov. 08)
Last updated February 7, 2009