Articles by Karen Selick on...
Drug Testing? Let the Market Decide (Jun. 90)
Public Looting & Pillaging (Oct. 90)
Too Many "Rights" Make a Wrong (Sept. 91)
From Serfdom to Serfdom in 30 Generations (Dec 92)
Censorship--More Demeaning than Pornography (May 93)
Property Rights are Human Rights, Too (June 93)
The Ramp to Hell (Sept. 95)
Calling a Slave a Slave (Oct. 95)
Human Rights Ruling Endangers All (Apr. 98)
Privileges for Some, Equality for None (Apr. 98)
A Very "Poor" Idea (Jul 98)
"Human Rights" in Conflict with Property Rights (1998)
Taking Liberties with "Civil Liberties" (Nov 98)
Don't Import This Bad U.S. Law (Jan 99)
Human Rights Ruling Threatens Freedom & Prosperity (Jan 99)
Human Rights, Phony Rights (April, 2000)
More Nails in Free Speech Coffin (Oct. 2000)
The Unseen Cost of Disability Laws (Feb. 01)
The View from a Businessman's Wheelchair (Mar. 02)
Forced Compassion Is Unkind to Others (Aug. 04)
Some "Rights" We Can All Do Without (Aug. 07)
The Wrong Woman for the Job (Sept. 07)
Repeal Our Phony Human Rights Laws (Oct. 07)
Robbing (able-bodied) Petra to pay (disabled) Paula (Jan. 08)
The problem with the "right to food" (May 08)
What Ferengis can teach the Supreme Court (June 08)
The Human Rights Set-Up (Feb. 2010)
Human Rights Code Philosophically Unsound (May 2011)
Profit Motive Discourages Discrimination (May 2011)
Fines, Like Jail, Infringe Personal Liberty (Nov. 2011)
Last updated January 2, 2012