Articles by Karen Selick on...
Brandy is Dandy, But Lysol is Quicker (Nov. 91)
Sexual Harassment: The Witch Hunt (June 92)
Pimps, Prostitutes and Hypocrisy (Oct. 92)
Just Say No to the War on Drugs (Oct. 94)
The Dark Side of the War on Drugs (Nov. 94)
A Modern-Day Thoreau (Sept. 96)
Anti-Smoking Lobby Has Its Own Addiction (Jan. 97)
Don't Discourage Volunteer Guinea Pigs (Apr. 97)
Bad Laws Beget Worse (Sept. 00)
Plain Vanilla Liberty (Nov. 00)
Ontario Puts Grab on Property Rights (Dec. 2000)
Go Ahead, Make Our Day (Jan. 01)
Not a Tokin' Freedom (Mar. 01)
Who Are the Real Crash-Test Dummies? (Apr. 01)
What Should Our Cops Be Doing? (July 01)
Big Brother Loves You Better Than You Love Yourself (Apr. 02)
Polygamy--Two Rights Shouldn't Make a Wrong (Aug. 05)
Open Letter to Justice Minister (re: Marc Emery) (Jan. 08)
Excluding evidence doesn't make for better policing (May 08)
Got Milk Justice? (Jan. 2010)
Drop the Pig and Put Your Hands in the Air (Dec. 2010)
Consumer Product Safety: Health Bureaucrats Run Amok (March 2011)
A Bad Law Waiting to Be Ended (June, 2011)
The State Has No Business in Dentists' Bedrooms (Sept. 2011)
No Freedom for Trivia? Then No Freedom at All (Oct. 2011)
Each Individual Is the Best Expert on His Own Taste for Risk (Dec. 2011)
Last updated January 2, 2012