of Speech,
R.I.P. Remember back,
say, 25 years ago when folklore had it that
the I think we’ve
reached about the same stage with the freedom
of expression guarantee in Over the 17 years that I have been writing for publication, it has become increasingly difficult for a writer to say what he thinks needs to be said without provoking some nasty repercussions for himself or his publication. I now find myself constantly racking my brain to think of inoffensive circumlocutions that will allow me to make a point without triggering outrage on the part of someone who happens to disagree with me. It’s not just that the laws have changed to encroach ever more broadly on the Charter guarantee. It’s not just that the Supreme Court has upheld these laws as reasonable limits in a free and democratic society. It’s more than that. There’s a mindset that has become entrenched in Canadian society. People have genuinely started to believe that they should never see anything in print or hear anything over the airwaves that makes them feel the least bit uncomfortable. If someone says something they disagree with, their response is not to engage the ignoramus in debate and trump him with facts and logic, but rather to call out the censors to make the miscreant shut the hell up. This often backfires, as with Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel and aboriginal anti-Semite David Ahenakew, both of whom got far more mileage for their warped views out of their criminal prosecutions than they ever would have achieved if they had simply been ignored. There once was a time when people took pride in being able to rise above slurs and insults. “Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me,” I was taught by my parents back in the 1950’s. Parents don’t seem
to teach that any more. Instead, the
belief has triumphed that names do hurt—that they
damage a person’s
self-esteem. This position was
reinforced by Being
Jewish by
birth myself, I’ve always been puzzled by this logic.
If someone insults me and I know I’ve done
absolutely nothing to warrant the insult, I simply conclude that the
insulting me is an idiot--not that he is right and I am worthless. If my self-esteem were so fragile that it
could be damaged by the irrational ravings of some bigot who knows
about me except my ethnic origins, perhaps I have a deeper self-esteem
deficiency that is entirely independent of the existence of bigotry. In
fact, those who
think speech should be restricted demonstrate a low level of regard not
for themselves but also for others. They
show disdain
for others in that they consider themselves smart enough to find the
flaws in,
for instance, anti-Semitic propaganda, but they don’t think other
people are
smart enough to see it--even when they themselves have abundant access
to newspaper
space and the airwaves to point out the errors. They
show a lack of
confidence in themselves by apparently not believing that they are
capable of
answering evil in a convincing fashion.
They seem to think only the evil-speakers will be able to
people of their case. But
the problem I
find most disturbing of all among those who think freedom of speech
must be
restricted is that while they point to history as their teacher, it’s
the wrong lesson that they derive from the
historical facts. Here, for instance, is Manuel Prutschi,
national executive vice-president
of the Canadian Jewish Congress, writing in the Toronto Star: “History has shown that
decent people speaking out, important as this is, cannot guarantee the
preservation of a multicultural democracy because good,
unassisted by law, does not necessarily triumph over evil [emphasis
added].” Mr. Prutschi
continues: “The
Holocaust and the genocides and crimes against humanity that
have followed - Rwanda and the Balkans, for example - began with
hatred, which
fostered intolerance, inflamed the passions of the masses and created
atmosphere making mass murder acceptable and desirable.” But it was not the existence of
anti-Semitism alone that created the Holocaust.
It was the combination of anti-Semitism and a despotic
state—a state
with the power to determine who could speak, and who could not, and
what they
could say, and what they could do—that resulted in the deaths of
millions. In Those who think the Canadian state should
have the power to censor and criminalize obnoxious speech are simply
the cart before the horse for a trip to hell.
They are sanctioning the second step of a two-step process
of evil. Who do they imagine will rescue
them, I
wonder, when the state that they have entrusted with the power to throw
in jail for mere speech decides it’s their
speech it would now like to silence?
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